2017 Movies: The Best, the Worst, and the In-Between

Oh hey, how’s it going?  I thought since I had some time this holiday week I’d share some short year-end movie lists.  I don’t think that I’ve watched as many movies this year as I usually do because I’ve been pretty busy.  Oh, what have I been doing that’s kept me busy?  That’s so nice of you to ask!  Well, let’s see, other than another successful year of freelance work…  I bought a house.  I bought a dog.  I started writing a novel, to see if I could.  I got a few chapters into it so far, but I don’t really know where it’s going or when I’ll ever finish it.  Ummmm, what else?  I started trolling people who boycott NFL games on Facebook.  That’s been fun.  I won a fantasy football championship for a second year in a row.  I’m probably going to buy a VR headset with my prize money…  Hey listen, my life isn’t that interesting, but I saw some movies this year and now I’ll rank them for your amusement and my self-gratification.  That’s how this works.

Also, I’m sure there’s a bunch of spoilers in this, so read the flavor text at your own risk.

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